Established in 1971, the California Gang Task Force is a non-profit organization comprised of a governing board and members, all of whom are active law enforcement officers and detectives with their respective agencies. Members of the CGTF are a network of diverse, highly experienced officers who are subject matter experts on various California-based gangs.
Law enforcement agencies can benefit from the assistance and support the CGTF offers as an additional means and resource in the day-to-day efforts of combating gang violence.
By attending CGTF monthly meetings, law enforcement officials are encouraged to network with CGTF gang experts and share real-time gang and other criminal organizational intelligence and trends regarding prison and street gang activity.
The CGTF hopes you will accept our invitation to join us in our coordinated effort to unite our law enforcement agencies throughout California to deal with the continued threat posed to law enforcement and civilians by prison and street gang members.
The CGTF understands, the most effective force to combat gangs and gang crime, officers must possess accurate and current intelligence to assist them in their ongoing efforts. We offer monthly, up to date, training and instruction in the most recent trends and activities of criminal organizations and its members. In addition we hold an annual National Gang Symposium, where the officer can choose to attend a week of coveted training in the subject matter of gangs and gang crime.
The CGTF recognizes that cooperation amongst agencies is a critical element in preventing and helping reduce gang crime. No longer is the gang member and gang influence contained to a local area, and their effects can be seen and felt state and nationwide. We offer and promote an arena where officers can communicate and establish good working relationships with other gang investigators throughout the state and surrounding states for professional support and assistance.
Information Sharing
The CGTF realizes the most effective tool in the battle against gang crime is the sharing of knowledge, experience, and successful techniques. Only through sharing our successes as well as our disappointments, can we build a strong foundation from which to stop and deter crime and gangs. Monthly meetings that provide accurate, current and historical operational information, related to the activities of prison gang organizations, and street gangs are offered to the CGTF membership.